
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


香港中國歷史教學的課程目標強調「建構歷史知識」、「掌握研習歷史的技能」、「培養積極的態度和價值觀」,目標是提高學生對中國歷史及文化的認識和理解,並增強探究、組織和溝通等能力,培養積極的態度和正面的價值觀,以及優良的品格與公民責任。¹ 現有的中學中國歷史課程分為「歷史發展」(必修部分)和「歷史專題」(選修部分),兼顧深度和廣度,有助學生系統地和全面地學習歷史。另一方面,歷史人物展現了中華文化良好品格,是學生培養品德情意的優秀素材。
The curriculum objectives of Chinese History in Hong Kong emphasize “constructing historical knowledge”, “acquiring skills in studying history”, and “developing positive attitudes and values”. The goal is to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of Chinese history and culture, to strengthen their abilities in inquiry, organization and communication, as well as to develop positive attitudes and values, good character and civic responsibility. The existing secondary Chinese History curriculum is divided into “History Development” (compulsory part) and “History Special Topics” (elective part), which provides both depth and breadth to help students learn history in a systematic and comprehensive way. On the other hand, historical figures demonstrate the good character of Chinese culture, which is a valuable teaching material for students to develop moral and affective values.
This paper reviews the importance and necessity of moral and affective education, the current situation of Chinese History teaching, then uses it as a basis to show the proposed moral and affective education framework centered on historical figures, and to explore how Chinese History can use historical figures to guide students and cultivate their values and attitudes. Copyright © 2021 中華書局(香港)有限公司.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication中國歷史文化教育及研究
Editors 馮志弘, 許國惠, 施仲謀
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789888760275
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2021




  • 中國歷史
  • 品德情意
  • 價值觀
  • 態度
  • 歷史人物
  • Chinese history
  • Moral and affective education
  • Values
  • Attitude
  • Historical figures
  • Alt. title: Teaching Chinese history with moral and affective education: Focusing on historical figures