
劉承宜, 陳侃貞, 楊友源, 吳本韓

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


教育期刊論文的情況往往是教學情況的一種真實反映 。中國、美國和英國的主要物理教育期刊刊名分別為《物理教學》、《大學物理》、The Physics Teacher、American Journal of Physics和Physics Education 。文章基於這五個物理教育期刊的相關參數分別建立相應的物理教育合作網 ,從論文作者數目及不同論文作者間的合作關系的角度 ,揭示了中國與國際物理教育研究的差距 ,並為它們的進一步發展提供了啟發性和指導性建議。
The nature of papers published in various leading education journals can in a certain way reflect the real trend of research and professional development in education. Using self-built computer databases of scientific papers as published in five leading physics education journals in China, USA and Britain over a period of 10 years (1993-2002), we have constructed some networks of scientific collaboration amongst physics educators of each journal. Through analysis of the different properties of these five simple networks derived from those journals we propose a measure of collaboration strength based on the number of papers coauthored by pairs of authors and the collaboration between different authors. As a result, we not only uncover an apparent difference in the level of physics education research between China and overseas, but also suggest some guidance and direction for their future development. Copyright © 2004 中國物理學會;中國科學院物理研究所.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)146-152
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2004




  • 合作網
  • 物理教育
  • 期刊
  • Collaboration network
  • Physics education
  • Journals
  • Alt. title: Comparison and analysis of scientific collaboration networks in physics