
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This paper examines the characteristics of the prenominal modifier weiyi in Chinese from a semantics-syntax interface perspective, arguing for a dual role of its semantic function and syntactic status. It is proposed that weiyi is in essence an exclusive, which could be either property-concerned or referent-concerned. As a property-concerned exclusive, weiyi modifies the intension of the nominal phrase, restricting the number of the members included in the set denoted by the NP to be one; therefore, the whole expression exhibits a "singleton-ness" reading. As a referent-concerned exclusive, weiyi modifies the extension of the nominal phrase, exclusively including all the members that satisfy the property described by the NP, as well as excluding possible alternatives in the given context; as a result, the whole expression exhibits an "inclusiveness" reading. Based on this, this paper shows that the DP Hypothesis is explanatorily powerful in capturing the properties of nominal phrases in article-less languages. Copyright © 2021 北京語言學院(世界漢語教學學會會刊).
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)192-205
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2021




  • 名詞短語
  • 排他性成分
  • 語義—句法界面
  • DP假設
  • Nominal phrase
  • Exclusive
  • Semantics-syntax interface
  • DP hypothesis
  • Alt. title: Not the one and only Weiyi: A semantics-syntax interface analysis of Weiyi