The Nature of Creativity in Cantonese Opera: Perceptions of Artists, Connoisseurs and Beginners and their interaction

Project: Research project

Project Details


Granted by the General Research Fund in 2014-15, this research project will address three critical issues that impact on the future development of Cantonese opera in Hong Kong: (1) the nature of creativity demonstrated by eminent artists in the 20th century; (2) the extent to which the conceptions of creativity in Cantonese opera have changed from the perspectives of practicing artists and learners; (3) how artistic creativity can be re-valued by the profession and audience.

Funding Source: RGC - General Research Fund (GRF)
Effective start/end date01/01/1530/06/17


  • Cantonese opera
  • creativity
  • perception
  • audience building


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