Provision of Services on Development of an Educational Resource Kit for Secondary School Students to Conduct a Field-based Study in Mangrove Habitat (Ting Kok)

Project: Other project

Project Details


The project aims to develop a bilingual educational resource kit (the Kit) for secondary school students. The Kit will facilitate a field-based study in a mangrove habitat. The involved learning experiences will be built on real contexts and authentic environments in the coastal region of Ting Kok and the associated marine habitats. These activities will help the participants to construct knowledge about the coastal environment, to develop conservation attitudes and generic skills, which are essential to their whole-person development. By applying a scientific approach, the Kit would contribute to the understanding of the ecological factors act upon species diversity and community structure of a coastal ecosystem in Ting Kok. Besides, an on-site field trip demonstration session will be provided for secondary school teachers to illustrate the application of the Kit. Products developed by our professional team will be adopted as a study guide and learning materials in coastal environmental education workshops or field-based study tours related to marine conservation organized by AFCD for local secondary school students. To facilitate and consolidate students’ learning, the Kit will basically include three parts which can be combine as a whole effective learning process for secondary students.

Funding Source: HKSAR Govt - Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Effective start/end date01/03/1431/08/14


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