Provision of Services for the Summer School for Physical Education Teachers (2017 and 2018)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Summer School for PE Teachers, featuring the theme "Nurturing Positive Values and Attitudes through PE" in 2017 and "Enhancing Generic Skills through PE" in 2018 was commissioned by the Education Bureau and organized by the Department of Health and Physical Education, the Education University of Hong Kong. The project outlines the importance of “Nurturing Positive Values and Attitudes” as well as “Enhancing Generic Skills” through PE, it also highlights the possible development for school PE teachers on students’ values, attitudes and generic skills through school PE. It is hoped to provide systematic, relevant and rich developmental experiences for PE teachers who are aiming at improving the quality of PE learning and teaching in Hong Kong schools. The Summer School for PE Teachers is one of the most significant annual local professional development programmes which aims to further develop PE teachers with advance knowledge in the field. Through participating in conference, parallel sessions, action research projects, lessons for analysis and workshops, the Summer School provides a unique platform for local PE teachers to share with innovative and relevant practices as well as research findings concerning learning and teaching PE in schools. Knowledge, curricular practices and teaching skills generated from a variety of professional development activities eventually contribute to the building up of a knowledge-based PE, cultivation of sharing culture and promotion of quality, effective and relevant PE practices for promoting students’ learning in schools.

Funding Source: HKSAR Govt - Education Bureau
Effective start/end date12/01/1730/11/18


  • Teacher Education
  • Physical Education
  • Values and Attitudes
  • Generic Skills


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