Provision of Consultancy Services to Design Outdoor Learning Programmes and to Develop Learning and Teaching Resources for Primary and Secondary Schools with Reference to Country Parks and Special Areas of Hong Kong

  • LI, Wai Chin 李偉展 (CoPI)
  • CHEANG, Chi-chiu (CoI)
  • WONG, Tai Choi, Richard (CoI)
  • WONG, Kwan Lam (CoI)
  • CHENG, Nga Yee, Irene 鄭雅儀 (PI)
  • CHOW, Sin Yin, Alice (CoI)
  • PEI, Qing (CoI)
  • CHEUNG, Ting On (CoI)
  • FOK, Lincoln (CoI)

Project: Other project

Project Details


The overall objective of the study is to design school education programmes and develop the associated L&T resources for primary and secondary schools with the use of country parks and special areas in Hong Kong as outdoor venues

Funding Source: HKSAR Govt - Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Effective start/end date14/09/2031/01/24


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