Ghosts and Spirits, Etiquette and Idea of "Way of Literature"--Focus on Northern Song Literati Ouyang Xiu, Zeng Gong and Su Shi 鬼神.禮法與文道觀念──以北宋文人歐陽修、曾鞏、蘇軾為中心

Project: Research project

Project Details


The proposal consists of three parts: To analyse the discourses, concepts and images of ghosts and spirits by focusing on the writings of Ouyang Xiu, Zeng Gong and Su Shi; To analyse the characteristics of orations, and concepts of ghosts and spirits as well as the idea of "way of literature" of the above three "shi" corresponding to the etiquette of the court; To investigate the relationship between the above concepts and sacrificial writing, ideology, religion, etiquette, Confucian classics and politics.

Funding Source: RGC - Early Career Scheme (ECS)
Effective start/end date01/01/1731/12/18


  • Ghosts and Spirits
  • Etiquette and Idea of "Way of Literature "
  • Ouyang Xiu
  • Zeng Gong
  • Su Shi


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