Gamifying primary students’ reading process through an online battle platform: Factors for success and obstacles to be overcome

  • CHIU, Ming Ming (CoI)
  • CHU, Sam (PI)
  • TAVARES, Nicole (CoI)
  • CHEONG, Choo Mui (CoI)
  • KING, Ronnel Bornasal (CoI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The project aims to 1. Implement Reading Battle (RB) in primary schools to promote students' reading interest and strengthen reading comprehension ability 2. Measure the impact of the implementation a) Impact of the gamified platform on students' perceived satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, intrinsic reading motivation, and reading achievement b) Perceived benefits and challenges of using RB to enhance reading outcome

Funding Source: HKSAR Govt - SCOLAR/Language Fund
Effective start/end date01/06/1830/06/20


  • Gamification, Reading Battle


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