Exploring Theories and Technologies to Integrate Humour with Artificial Intelligence in Education

  • YANG, Lan 楊蘭 (PI)
  • KO, Yue On, James (CoPI)
  • Zhang, Chen Jason (CoPI)
  • Sun, Jin (CoI)
  • DATU, Jesus Alfonso Daep (CoI)
  • Ridwan, Maulana (CoI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


This project is the second study of a laboratory on Metaverse and Human-Computer Interaction to promote artificial intelligence (AI) innovations in education. This project explores recent theoretical AI models integrating humour and computational humour technologies in different applications (e.g., e-platforms, mobile applications, educational games, and educational materials) and educational research activities to enhance teaching quality and learner experience. Individual investigators will cover four areas of technological applications of humour in education: 1) innovative entrepreneurship, 2) instruction and motivation, 3) positive psychology, and 4) parent-child interaction. Both systematic reviews and humourous algorithms (or computational humour) will be generated as research or professional development outputs.

Funding Source: UGC - Research Matching Grant (RMG)
Effective start/end date01/10/2230/04/24


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