An In-service Course and Hospitality Services for Guangdong Primary School English Teachers 2008

Project: Other project

Project Details


A total of 40 teachers and researchers from different parts of the Guangdong province participated in the programme, which was held at HKIEd from 5 May 2008 to 23 May 2008. This was the 9th Programme jointly orgainised by the Guangdong Education Bureau, the EDB and the Department of English of the HKIED since this kind of collaboration started in 1999. The major aim of the Course was to further develop the professionalism of these teachers and researchers through reflecting upon English language teaching theories and practice. The participants completed seven modules of the Programme and paid three school visits to local schools to observe different education systems in action. During the programme the participants stayed in our Jockey Club Student Quarters to experience the life as full-time students on campus for three weeks.

Funding Source: HKSAR Govt - Education Bureau
Effective start/end date01/04/0831/03/09


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