A Foucauldian Perspective on Citizenship and Identity (Re) Construction Among University Students in Social Movements in Hong Kong (福柯視角探索高校學生在香港社會運動中的公民意識與身份(再)建構)

Project: Research project

Project Details


This study, adopting the Foucauldian lenses of governmentality and ethical self-formation, aims to: 1) investigate how university students understand prevailing political discourses in Hong Kong’s social-political context; 2) explore how the social unrest influences students’ self-positioning, peer interaction and relationships; 3) investigate the development of citizenship and (re)construction of identity among university students within Hong Kong’ socio-political, cultural and economic discourses; 4) identify the difficulties and challenges students face in their interactions with peers holding different political and ideological views and their coping strategies; and, 5) provide theoretical resources and suggest effective university-level measures and individual-level strategies to facilitate students’ whole-person development.

Funding Source: HKSAR Govt - Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPR) (Special Round)
Effective start/end date17/04/2016/12/20


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