Research Impact Prize of Dean’s Research Fund 2017-18

Prize: Prizes / Awards


(a) Indoor air quality including airborne bacterial in kindergartens and children health risk; (b) Veterinary antibiotics in different environmental elements and children urine in Hong Kong; (c) E-waste and food waste management. The above 3 streams, talking about updated Hong Kong environmental issues, have been published in Environment International, Journal of Environmental Management, Atmospheric Environment, and Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, respectively. These journals have high SCI impact factors, being ranked A* or A, and classified to 1st quarter of Environmental Journals. All of these six outputs have received regional attention and are international recognized. These outputs of mine have provided the data reference of different stakeholders, such as academics, public concern, media, the government, NGO, etc.
Granting OrganisationsEdUHK
