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Personal profile

Personal profile

Yiu Fai Tsang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Science and Environmental Studies and the Assistant Dean of Graduate School at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He received his BEng and PhD in Environmental Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Prior to joining EdUHK, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and a Research Fellow in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at PolyU. He served as an Editor/Associate Editor of Water Science and Technology, Sustainable Environment Research, Water Environment Research, and RSC Advances. Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of Energy & Environment (Sage), Editor of Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), and Subject Editor of Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Elsevier). His research interests include wastewater and sludge treatment, microplastics and nanoplastics, resource recovery, bioremediation, microbial CO2 fixation, and odour pollution control.

Academic and Professional Qualifications

  • PhD in Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • BEng (1st Class Honours) in Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Member, International Water Association (IWA)
  • Member, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP)
  • Member, Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA)
  • Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • Member, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Research interests

  • Wastewater and Sludge Treatment
  • Microplastics and Nanoplastics
  • Resource Recovery
  • Bioremediation
  • Microbial CO2 Fixation
  • Odour Pollution Control

Teaching Interests

Teaching Interests

  • Water Pollution and Wastewater Treatment
  • Pollution Control Technology
  • Principles of Environmental Engineering
  • Integrated Solid Waste Management
  • Environmental Quality Monitoring and Assessment
  • Air Pollution Studies and Control
  • Engineering Design and Scientific Investigation

Teaching at EdUHK

  • Pollution Control and Waste Management (SES2051)
  • Environmental Science and Urban Sustainability (SES3042)/Environmental Science and Sustainability (SES3004)
  • Health and Environment (INS6027)
  • Education for Environmental Sustainability (SCG7023)
  • Scientific Inquiry and Engineering Design (SCG6029)
  • Scientific Investigation: Principles and Techniques (SCG1001)
  • Science II (SCI3031)
  • Exploring the Natural and Urban Landscapes in Hong Kong (GEH1024)
  • Understanding Hong Kong’s Environmental Performance through Practice (CSL1016/GEM1027)

External Appointments


  1. Editor-in-Chief, Energy & Environment (Sage) (IF: 4.0, Q2) []
  2. Editor, Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier) (IF: 13.4, Q1)
  3. Subject Editor, Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Elsevier) (IF: 6.9, Q1)

Visiting Professorships

  1. Specially Appointed Visiting Professor, Korea University, Korea
  2. Adjunct Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
  3. Adjunct Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China.
  4. Adjunct Professor, Nantong University, China.
  5. Adjunct Professor, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, China.
  6. Adjunct PhD Supervisor, Tongji University, China.

External Reviewers/External Examiners

  1. Member of Underwood Medal Judging Panel, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), UK.
  2. Assessor, Australian Research Council (ARC), Australia.
  3. Review Panel, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA.
  4. Expert Reviewer, Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR), Italy.
  5. Expert Reviewer, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  6. External Reviewer, Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong SAR Government.
  7. External Reviewer, Green Tech Fund (GTF), Hong Kong SAR Government.
  8. Advisory Peer Group Member, School of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
  9. External Examiner for Professional Diploma in Waste Management and Meat and Foods Inspection for Food & Environmental Hygiene Department, Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
  10. External Examiner for PhD thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  11. External Examiner for PhD thesis, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  12. External Examiner for PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia.
  13. External Examiner for DEng thesis, Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
  14. External Examiner for MPhil thesis, Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

Professional Society Services

  1. Executive Committee Member, The Education University of Hong Kong Schools Limited.
  2. Technical Consultant (Sewage Treatment Plant), Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
  3. Mentor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Mentorship Scheme, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  4. Honorary Principal Consultant, Telemax Environmental and Energy Management Limited.
  5. Honorary Advisor, Acoustics and Air Testing Laboratory Company Limited.
  6. Advisory Committee Member, Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve - Environmental Association.

International Conference Organizations

  1. Chair, The 1st International Conference on Health, Environment, Education and Research 2024 (CHEER2024), Hong Kong, 16-18 December 2024.
  2. International Organizing Committee, The 4th International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM2020), Incheon, Korea, 6-9 September 2020.
  3. Honorary Committee, The International Conference on Economics, Energy and Environment (ICEEE2020), Cappadocia, Turkey, 25-27 June 2020.
  4. Steering Committee, Sustainable Waste Management Workshop: Microplastics in the Environment, CREATE Tower NUS, Singapore, 7-9 January 2020.
  5. Co-Chair, The 4th International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource (BWR2019), Busan, Korea, 10-13 December 2019.
  6. International Organizing Committee, The 9th International Conference on Geochemistry in the Tropics & Sub-Tropics (GeoTrop2019), Brisbane, Australia, 28-31 July 2019.
  7. Local Organizing Committee, The 3rd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM2019), Hong Kong, 12-15 June 2019.
  8. International Advisory Committee, The 8th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocessing (IBA-IFIBiop 2019), Sarawak, Malaysia, 1-5 May 2019.
  9. Advisory Board Member, The International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE'19), University of Oxford, UK, 14-15 March 2019.
  10. International Scientific Committee, The 2019 E2S2-CREATE and AIChE Waste Management Conference, CREATE Tower NUS, Singapore, 11-13 March 2019.
  11. Chair, The 3rd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource (BWR2018), Hong Kong, 17-19 December 2018.
  12. International Scientific Committee, ARC Conference 2018 - Resilience and New Leadership in the World (ARC2018), Seoul, Korea, 26-28 November 2018.
  13. International Scientific Committee, The International Conference on Construction, Aviation and Environmental Engineering (ICCAE2018), Taoyuan City, Taiwan, 23-25 November 2018.
  14. International Scientific Committee, The 4th Asia Pacific Biochar Conference (APBC 2018): Advances in Biochar Research & Applications, Foshan, China, 3-8 November 2018.
  15. Local Organizing Committee, The 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2018 (CLEAR2018), Hong Kong, 16-18 August 2018.
  16. International Scientific Committee, 2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM2018), Gangwon-do, Korea, 10-12 June 2018.
  17. International Organizing Committee, The 6th International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process (CCECP2018), Singapore, 12-13 March 2018.
  18. International Scientific Committee, 2nd International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC2018), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15-16 February 2018.
  19. Local Organizing Committee, 8th International Conference on Geochemistry in the Tropics & Sub-Tropics (GeoTrop2017), Shenzhen, China, 9-12 December 2017.
  20. International Organizing Committee, The 2nd International Conference on Education and Development (ICED2017), Shanghai, China, 8-10 September 2017.
  21. International Scientific Committee, 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource (BWR2017), Hong Kong, 25-28 May 2017.
  22. Local Organizing Committee, STEM Education Conference-cum-Carnival 2016 (STEMCC2016), Hong Kong, 16-17 Dec 2016.
  23. International Organizing Committee, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICCE'16), San Francisco, USA, 19-21 October 2016.
  24. International Scientific Committee, Ajman 4th International Environment Conference, UAE, 2-3 March 2016.
  25. Local Organizing Committee, 1st International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource (BWR2014), Hong Kong, 1-3 December 2014.
  26. Local Organizing Committee, International Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation of Wetland in South China - From Preservation to Green Development, Hong Kong, 27-30 May 2014.
  27. Local Organizing Committee, 1st International Conference on Beneficial Uses of Algal Biomass, Hong Kong, 5-8 November 2013.

Guest Editors

  1. Lead Guest Editor, Chemical Engineering Journal, S.I.: Thermochemical Conversion of Biowaste on Energy and Resource Recovery and Pollution Abatement.
  2. Managing Guest Editor, Journal of CO2 Utilization, S.I.: Innovative and Effective CO2 Conversion and Utilization Practices.
  3. Managing Guest Editor, Journal of Environmental Management, S.I.: Biowaste and Biomass Valorization, Recycling and Recovery Practices.
  4. Lead Guest Editor, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, S.I.: Biowaste for Energy Recovery and Environmental Remediation.
  5. Lead Guest Editor, Biodegradation, S.I.: Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil and Water.
  6. Lead Guest Editor, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, S.I.: Biowaste for Environmental Remediation and Sustainable Waste Management.

Journal Reviewers

  1. Applied Geochemistry
  2. Bioresource Technology
  3. Biotechnology Advances
  4. Catalysis Today
  5. Chemosphere
  6. Desalination and Water Treatment
  7. Energy Conversion and Management
  8. Environment International
  9. Environmental Geochemistry and Health
  10. Environmental Pollution
  11. Environmental Science: Nano
  12. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  13. Environmental Science & Technology
  14. Environmental Technology
  15. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
  16. Fuel
  17. Journal of Applied Microbiology
  18. Journal of Cleaner Production
  19. Journal of CO2 Utilization
  20. Journal of Environmental Management
  21. Journal of Geochemical Exploration
  22. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  23. Journal of Membrane Science
  24. Materials Science and Engineering: C
  25. npj Clean Water
  26. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
  27. Science of the Total Environment
  28. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
  29. Trends in Analytical Chemistry
  30. Waste and Biomass Valorization
  31. Waste Management
  32. Water Research

Community Services

  1. Judging Panel, Hong Kong Youth Aerospace Innovation Competition.
  2. Judging Panel, International Science Competition (Hong Kong Regional Final).
  3. Judging Panel, Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.
  4. Judging Panel, Hong Kong Education for Sustainable Development Association: UNDESD Project Hong Kong Award Scheme.
  5. Judging Panel, Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition.
  6. Judging Panel, Hong Kong Primary Science Project Competition.
  7. Judging Panel, Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition.
  8. Mentor, Mentorship Scheme, Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association.
  9. Invited Speaker, UNESCO Hong Kong Association - Education for Sustainable Development Learning Programme.
  10. Invited Speaker and Coordinator, Student Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme, Environmental Campaign Committee.
  11. Invited Speaker, Institute of Professional Education and Knowledge.

Professional information

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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