Projects per year
Personal profile
Personal profile
Academic qualifications:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, The University of Western Ontario, Canada
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, PolyU, Hong Kong
Ph.D in Chemistry, (Supervisor: Prof. Jimmy C Yu), CUHK, Hong Kong
BSc. in Chemistry, CUHK, Hong Kong
Working experience:
Head, Dept. of Science and Environmental Studies, EdUHK, Hong Kong (3/2024 - present)
Acting Head, Dept. of Science and Environmental Studies, EdUHK, Hong Kong (9/2023 - 3/2024 )
Professor, Dept. of Science and Environmental Studies, EdUHK, Hong Kong (2020-present )
Associate Head, Dept. of Science and Environmental Studies, EdUHK, Hong Kong (2016-2021)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Science and Environmental Studies, EdUHK, Hong Kong (2015-2020)
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Science and Environmental Studies, EdUHK, Hong Kong (2012-2015)
Technical Manager, Nano & Advanced Materials Institute, HKUST, Hong Kong (2011-2012)
Assistant Technical Manager, Nano & Advanced Materials Institute, HKUST, Hong Kong (2009-2011)
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2014-present)
Adjunct Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, (2018-2021)
Adjunct Professor, South Central University for Nationalities, China (2016-2018)
Adjunct Professor, College of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Chongqing Technology and Business University, China (2013-2016)
Honors and Awards:
- “Highly Cited Researchers 2018-2023” by Clarivate Analytics (formerly known as the Intellectual Property and Science Business of Thomson Reuters).
- 2023 Link
- 2018-2022: Link
- Stanford University’s list of the world’s top 2% of scientists -(2019 - 2023)
- 2022 Link
- 2021 Link
- 2020 Link
- 2019 Link
- Recipient of the ‘Advanced Materials Laureate’ International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) -2024
- National Innovation Award in Aerosol Technology, the Chinese Society of Particuology 2020. Link
- Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) -2020
- President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research ( Research Excellence Award) 2018/19, EdUHK, Hong Kong. Link
- Gold Medal, “Novel Air Purifiers Using New Graphitic Carbon Nitride Photocatalyst Material” International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN), Toronto, Canada (2018) Link
- Research Output Prize, Dean’s Research Prize, FLASS, EdUHK, Hong Kong (2017/18) Link
- President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Early Career Research Excellence Award) 2014/15, HKIEd, Hong Kong Link
- RGC Early Career Award (2013/14) (傑出青年學者獎), University Grants Committee, Hong Kong Link
- Postdoctoral Fellowship (2007/08), The Ministry of Research & Innovation, Canada
- Postdoctoral Fellowship (2005/06), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Research Hightlights:
“Highly Cited Researchers 2018 - 2023” from Clarivate Analytics (formerly known as the Intellectual Property and Science Business of Thomson Reuters)
EdUHK Research Repository:
- h-index = 93 (up to Mar, 2024, from EdUHK Research Repository)
- h-index = 94. (up to Mar, 2024, from SCOPUS ID: 56516040400)
Google Scholar:
- h-index = 96 (All years) (up to Mar, 2022,, from Google Scholar)
Research Gate:
Publons (Web of Science):
Research interests
- Artificial Photosynthesis for Energy Conversion and Environmental Remediation
- Air Pollution Control
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring and Management
- Heterogeneous catalysis and photocatalysis
- Nano-technology for Environmental Applications
- Science and Environmental Education
- Awardee of the Research Grants Council Early Career Award 2013/14 from University Grants Committee of HKSAR in 2013/2014. Only 29 of 359 early-career scholars funded by the RGC in 2013/14 received this prestigious award with “excellent” ratings (full score of 5.0).
- Of 169 projects funded by the Graduate Research Fund/ECS in the Physical Sciences category in 2013/14, Dr Ho’s project on environmental purification received the second largest grant (HK$1.17 million
- HKIEd Press releases:
- Secured over $13 million in research funding in the capacity of Principal Investigator from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the past 5 years
- Research Gate:
- Google Scholar:
- EdUHK Research Repository:
- Granted more than 10 patents in the US, Europe, China and Hong Kong.
External Appointments
External Services
- Panel Members, Physical Sciences Panel (Joint Research Schemes) of the RGC. (1/2024 – present)
- Board of Governor, Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong), (7/2022- present)
- Member, Hong Kong Sustainable Campus Consortium (HKSCC) Executive Committee (11/2023 - present)
- Member, Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme (JCSCCP) Steering Committee (11/2023 - present)
- Assessment Panel Member, Science Education Key Learning Area - Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (2021/22)
- Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Subject Committees – Chemistry, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), (2018-2021)
Visiting Professorship
- Adjunct Professor (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China) 2018 - now
- Adjunct Professor (Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) 2014 - Now
- Adjunct Professor (South Central University for Nationalities, China) 2016 - 2018
- Adjunct Professor (Chongqing Technology and Business University, China) 2013 - 2016
Professional Activities
- Associate Editor, Journal for Nanoparticle Research (Springer-Nature)
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Photoenergy (JCR-SCI Impact Factor of Journal: 2.663)
- Editorial Board, Environmental Science: Current Research (Herald Scholarly)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Pollution and Management (Scholarena)
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Nanoparticles & Nanotechnology (HELICS Group: Scientific Network)
- Senior Editorial Board Members, General Chemistry
- Guest Editor, The special issue "Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications" of Journal of Nanomaterials, 2014. (JCR-SCI 5-Year Impact Factor of Journal: 1.63)
- Guest Editor, The special issue " Nano-structural Photocatalytic Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications " of Molecules, 2014. (JCR-SCI 5-Year Impact Factor of Journal: 2.638)
- International Organization Committee, International Workshop on Graphene and C3N4-based Photocatalysts, June 2015, State key laboratory of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan, China
- Organization Committee, International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education 2013, Hong Kong
- Organization Committee Hong Kong Symposium on Recent Advances in Energy Technology and the Environment: Rare Earths, Transition Metals, Synchrotron Radiation and VUV, HKIEd, 2013
- 委員, 中國顆粒學會氣溶膠專業委員會
- Mentor: United College Shum Choi Sang Mentorship Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (2013 - present).
School and Student Activities
- Adjudicator,1st Hong Kong International STEMathon, organized by Young Post (SCMP), Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association (2019)
- Adjudicator, ECF Creative Upcycling Competition, organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (2018)
- Adjudicator, Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition, co-organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Science Museum and supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. (2013-2023)
- Adjudicator,16th and 17th Primary Science Project Competition, co-organized by HKIEd,, Education Department, Hong Kong Science Museum and Leisure & Cultural Services Department (2013 &2014)
News and General Publications
- News "教大可攜空氣淨化機揚威國際"HKIEd Press Release (
- %E5%8A%A9%E5%AD%B8%E7%94%9F%E6%A0%A1%E5%8F%8B%E8%BE%A6%E5%88%9D%E5%89%B5%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8
- "教大項目揚威多倫多國際發明展"HKIEd Press Releases (
- "資助33研究項目, 教院獲研資局撥近二千萬”
- [星島日報] F01教育, 7 Aug, 2013.
- [經濟日報] A16 港聞, 7 Aug, 2013. ( )
- [太陽報] A5 港聞, 7 Aug, 2013. (
- [東方日報] A20 港聞, 7 Aug, 2013. (
- [文匯報] A17 港聞, 7 Aug, 2013.
- "教院兩學者奪傑出青年學者獎" HKIEd Press Releases (
- [大公報] A18 港聞 30 Nov, 2013. ( and (
- [新報] A11 港聞, 4 Dec, 2013
- [中大校友]: 2014年6月號 (
- "教院頒發校長獎項 表彰傑出教職員"HKIEd Press Releases (
- [中大校友]: 2015年6月號
- Magazines and Newsletters Ho, W.K., “Sharing of the experience of an undergraduate internship programme at the Space Museum”, The Newsletter of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, 6 (4), 0024, Dec 31, 2013, P. 4-5.
- Ho, W. K. “ Research and Development of Highly Efficient Anti-Bacteria Porous Filters for the Use in Air Purifier”, NAMI Times (Newsletter of Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited) , 2012, Issue: Feb, P.9 -12.
- Chan, P.S.; Liu, C.; Lin, S.W.; Ho, W.K.; Wong, K. W.; Kwong; C. Y.; Ho, K.K.; Lee, P.W. “Application Research at the Nano and Advanced Materials Institute: market-driven application research of nanomaterials and technology. Nanotechnology Magazine, IEEE, 2011, 5, (2), 13-22
- Ho, W. K. “Development of Multi-Functional Photocatalytic TiO2-based Coatings”, NAMI Times (Newsletter of Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited) , 2010, Issue: Dec, P.9 -12.
- Columnist for education magazine (中港教育雜誌)(Link:“從古蹟文物保護看空內環境空氣污染”, 第17期, p.20-21 (Sep 2013)
- “納米技術的安全性如何?, 第16期, p.30-31 (July 2013)
- “納米技術: 小科學大進步”第15期, p.22-23 (May 2013)
- “科學家的挑戰:人工光合作用”第14期, p.24-25 (Mar-2013)
- “改善香港空氣污染, 由我做起”, 第13期, p.24-25 (Jan- 2013)
- “環保教育,第12期, p.27 (Nov-2012)
Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
- Invited Speaker, “Application of Nano and Advanced Materials for Environmental Purification”, Institute of Earth Environment (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xi’an, China, Nov, 2014
- Invited Speaker, “Nano and Advanced Materials for Environmental Purification”, 材料科學新進展與環境治理和可持續發展會議, 香港中文大學, July, 2014
- Speaker, “CdIn2S4 microsphere as an efficient visible-light-driven photocatalyst for bacterial inactivation: Synthesis, characterizations and photocatalytic inactivation mechanisms", 2014 Asian Conference on Civil, Material and Environmental Sciences ,Hokkaido, Japan, 22-25 July, 2014
- Speaker, 常識科學與教系列: (1) 科學探究工作坊 2013/14, 課程發展處, 教育局.
- Speaker, 常識科學與教系列: (1) 科學探究工作坊 2014/15, 課程發展處, 教育局.
- Speaker, “Plastic material regeneration, “Trainer Programme of “I Act, U Act!” – Education for Plastic Waste Recycling, HKIEd, Feb, 2014
- Invited Speaker, “Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials for Air Pollution Control", Research Seminar, School of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Chongqing Technology and Business University, China, Dec 11, 2013.
- Invited Speaker, “Climate Change", Student Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme (SEPAS) 2013/14, Environmental Training Workshops for Teachers, organized by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), Dec 14, 2013.
- Invited Speaker, “Sharing Session on Application for General Research Fund (GRF) / Early Career Scheme (ECS)”, Continuing professional development programme organized by Research and Development Office, HKIEd, Sept 18, 2013.
- Invited Speaker, "Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials for Air Pollution Control", Research Seminar, Department of Science and Environmental Studies and Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability, HKIEd, May 3, 2013.
- lInvited Speaker, “香港室內空氣質素的發展", Student Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme 12/13: Specific Environmental Badge Training Workshop, organized by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), April 6, 2013.
- Speaker, "Facile Synthesis of Visible-light-driven F-doped Titania Hollow Spheres using Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis”, The 8th National Conference on Preparation Science & Technology of Catalysis in China, Fuzhou, China, Nov 15-17, 2012.
- Invited Speaker, “R&D of antimicrobial technology and its application in air remediation products and building materials”, Innovative Metallic and Non-Metallic Antimicrobial Materials Technologies Workshop, Hong Kong Productivity Council, July 8, 2011.
- Invited Speaker, "納米光觸煤應用在提升室內空氣質素的最新發展”, 粵港合作環保技術產業化高級研討會, 廣州生產力促進中心, May 31, 2011.
- Invited Speaker, “Development of Advanced Catalytic Oxidation Technology for Air Pollution Control”, Knowledge Transfer Conference 2010, Hong Kong, Nov 9, 2010.
- Invited speaker. “Development of advanced catalytic oxidation technology for indoor air purification”, The Symposium of Metal Structures and Applied Technology. Macau, China, Nov 24, 2009.
- Speaker, “Effect of Carbon Doping on the Mesoporous Structure of Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide and its Solar-light-Driven Photocatalytic Degradation of NOx,” The First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, Dailin, China, Jul 13 -16, 2008.
- Speaker, "High efficient photocatalytic TiO2 thin films coated on glass fiber and porous ceramic air filters for air pollution control,” 3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Enviromental Health, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 29 – 1 Sep, 2007.
- Speaker, “Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin films coated on glass fiber Air Filter prepared by reverse micellar method,” 2007 Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Aug. 26 - 29, 2007
Professional information
PCT patent- granted, publication no.: WO2012079539 A1, This invention relates to a system and method for air purification based on in-situ photocatalytic oxidation and ozonation.
Date of application: 21/6/2012
System & method for air purification using an enhanced multi-functional coating
US Regular patent- granted, no. 8,529,831 B1, This invention relates to a system and method for air purification based on in-situ photocatalytic oxidation and ozonation.
Date of grant: 10/9/2013
System & method for air purification using an enhanced multi-functional coating
Europe patent- granted, publication no: EP2651536 B1 , This invention relates to a system and method for air purification based on in-situ photocatalytic oxidation and ozonation.
Date of grant: 13/7/2016
System and method for air purification using an enhanced multi-functional coating
Hong Kong patent- granted, publication no: HK1176031 B, This invention relates to a system and method for air purification based on in-situ photocatalytic oxidation and ozonation.
Date of grant: 13/6/2014
China patent- granted, no: CN102811794 B , 一種基於原位光催化氧化和臭氧化的空氣淨化系統
Date of grant: 12/3/2014
China patent – granted, publication no. CN103586090B 一種空氣及水淨化材料的製備方法
Date of application: 6/4/2016
Durable, germicide-free and antibacterial coating”
US Regular patent- publication no: US20140242363 A1 (application, publication date: 28 Aug, 2014) The invention is an antibacterial coating that employs germicide-free and non-hazardous formulation to elicit bacteria killing functionality.
Date of application: 28/8/2014
China patent- granted, publication no.:CN104004392B 本發明要求保護的發明提供一種用於抗菌塗層的塗料溶液,和一種用於合成所述塗料溶液的方法。
Date of grant: 22/12/2017
Plasma driven catalyst system for disinfection and purification of gases
US Regular patent- granted, publication no: US9138504B2 The present invention relates to a novel plasma driven catalyst apparatus for disinfecting and purifying air.
Date of application: 22/9/2015
System and method for air purification using an enhanced multi-functional coating
Macau invention patent- application no: J/1416, This invention relates to a system and method for air purification based on in-situ photocatalytic oxidation and ozonation.
Date of application: 20/5/2014
China patent – publication no. CN104415659A (application, publication date: 18 Mar, 2015) 本發明涉及一種新穎的用於消毒和淨化空氣的等離子體驅動的催化劑裝置。
Date of application: 18/3/2015
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 25 Finished
Design of Visible-Light-Driven Photoelectrocatalytic System with High Adsorption Capacity and Removal Efficiency as a New Route for the Ambient Reduction of NOx to N2
HO, W. K. (PI), HUANG, Y. (CoI), YU, J. (CoI) & LEE, S. C. (CoI)
01/01/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research project
Maintenance for Secondary Science Online Learning Programme for Screening (NSCIO1301)
HO, W. K. (Team Member), YEUNG, Y. Y. (PI), CHAN, P. M. (Team Member) & CHEANG, C.-C. (Team Member)
01/12/18 → 30/09/19
Project: Other project
Design of Plasmonic Poor Metal Based Photocatalyst with High Light Utilization and Quantum Efficiency for Nitric Oxides Abatement
HO, W. K. (PI)
01/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Research project
Provision of School-based Professional Support (SBPS) under University-School Support Programmes (USP) Financed by Education Development Fund - Promoting STEM Education at the Upper Primary and Secondary Levels by Using Self-directed Learning as a Strategy
HO, W. K. (CoI), LI, W. C. (CoI), TSANG, Y. F. (CoI), CHAN, M. H. (CoI), KWOK, P. W. (CoI), LEE, H. M. (CoI), YEUNG, C. H. (CoI), YEUNG, Y. Y. (CoI), CHEANG, C.-C. (CoI) & LEE, Y. C. (PI)
01/08/17 → 28/02/19
Project: Research project
Primary Science Online Learning Programme for Screening (SCIO1391)
HO, W. K. (Team Member), YEUNG, Y. Y. (PI), CHAN, P. M. (Team Member) & CHEANG, C.-C. (Team Member)
01/10/15 → 31/07/16
Project: Research project
Exploring surface-enhanced heterogeneous oxidation of isoprene: Evidence for atmospheric haze chemistry
LI, H., LI, J., HO, W. K., CUI, L., WANG, M., ZHANG, Y., WANG, J., WANG, H., HUANG, C., FU, Q., JIANG, Y., CHEN, M., LIAO, H., CAO, J., LEE, S.-C., GE, X., HUANG, Y., CHOW, J. C. & WATSON, J. G., Jan 2025, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 130, 1, e2024JD042439.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
Exploring the intrinsic relationship between defects in g-C₃N₄ and the enhancement of photogenerated carrier dynamics and photocatalytic performance
TIAN, T., LU, D., ZHAO, B., KONDAMAREDDY, K. K., GU, W., YANG, J., HAO, H., FAN, H. & HO, W. K., Jan 2025, In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 1010, 178135.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
Critical roles of surface-enhanced heterogeneous oxidation of SO₂ in haze chemistry: Review of extended pathways for complex air pollution
ZHANG, Z., LI, H., HO, W. K., CUI, L., MEN, Q., CAO, L., ZHANG, Y., WANG, J., HUANG, C., LEE, S. C., HUANG, Y., CHEN, M. & GE, X., Mar 2024, In: Current Pollution Reports. 10, p. 70–86Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
5 Citations (Scopus) -
Development and application of photocatalytic coating for roadside NOₓ mitigation in Hong Kong
LI, X., WANG, P., HAN, S., HUANG, Y., HO, W. K., HO, S. S. H., LEE, S.-C. & WANG, M., Mar 2024, In: Chinese Chemical Letters. 35, 3, 108709.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
4 Citations (Scopus) -
Efficient photocatalytic decomposition of NO and mechanism insight enabled by NaBH4-reduced N(ligancy-3)-vacancy-rich-graphitic carbon nitride
GU, W., LU, D., KONDAMAREDDY, K. K., LI, J., CHENG, P., HO, W. K., WANG, Y., ZHAO, Z. & WANG, Z., Aug 2024, In: Materials Today Physics. 46, 101487.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
13 Citations (Scopus)
Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials
HO, W. K. (Recipient), 11 Dec 2020
Prize: Prizes / Awards
FLASS Dean's Impact Case Study 2020-21
DENG, W. (Recipient), WU, S. S. R. (Recipient) & HO, W. K. (Recipient), 01 Jun 2021
Prize: Prizes / Awards
Gold Medal, The 3rd International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN), Canada (2018)
HO, W. K. (Recipient), 01 Sept 2018
Prize: Prizes / Awards