Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
- Cheung, T.M. (2019), Development of Chinese narrative writing skills in primary 3 and 6 students in Hong Kong. In Shum, M.S.K. & Mickan. P. (Eds) Researching Chinese Language Education: Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspectives. Ch 13 , pp. 236-252. London: Routledge Publishers.
- Ho, C. M., Leung, A. W. C., Mok, M. M. C., & Cheung, P. T. M. (2012). Informing learning and teaching using feedback from assessment data: Hong Kong teachers’ attitudes towards Rasch measurement. In Self-directed Learning Oriented Assessments in the Asia-Pacific, pp. 311-334. Springer Netherlands.
Journal Publication
- 岑紹基、林偉業、戴忠沛、張紫薇、容運珊及楊敏怡 (2020)。〈以功能語法構建的應用文教材對提高非華語學生功能字詞運用的成效〉。《漢字與漢字教育研究》,49。
Conference Papers
- Cheung, T.M. Paisley (2019, December), A practice of drama education in Chinese Education, The 7th International School Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop (ISCLE 7). 16-18 December, Melbourne: Wesley College.
- Cheung, T.M. Paisley (2018, June), The Fifth Chinese As a Second Language Research International Conference (CASLAR 5), The University of Hong Kong.
- 張紫薇 (2018, 5) :全港性系統評估小學記敘文寫作初探,第四屆國際漢語教學研討會,台北:國立台灣師範大學。
- 張紫薇 (2018,1):香港小三和小六學生記敘文情感詞匯初探 ,第八屆漢字與漢字教育國際研討會,1月 16-19日,日本:草津。
- 張紫薇 (2017,12):香港實用文教學,第二十二屆國際粵方言研討會,香港教育大學,香港。
- Cheung, T.M. Paisley (2017, July), Chinese Narrative Writing of Primary 3 and Primary 6 Students in Hong Kong, The 44th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress, University of Wollongong, Australia.
- 岑紹基、林偉業、戴忠沛、張紫薇、容運珊及楊敏怡(2017,4):運用「閱讀促進學習」(Reading to Learn, Learning to Write)教學法發展非華語學生實用文教材 ,海上絲綢之路的漢語研究國際論壇,香港中文大學,香港。
- 張紫薇 (2017,1):香港小三學生記敍文寫作能力分析,第七屆漢字與漢字教育國際研討會,台灣高雄。
- Cheung, T.M. Paisley (2015, December), Narrative writing development of Primary students in Territory-wide System Assessment, Postgraduate Research Conference (PRC), The University of Hong Kong.
- 張紫薇 (2015,12):非華語學生中文記敍文寫作評估初探,第三屆國際學校華語教學研討會暨工作坊,香港大學。
- Cheung, T.M. Paisley (2015, July), Analysis of Students’ Chinese Narrative writing in Hong Kong Territory-wide System Assessment, The 42nd International Systemic Functional Linguistic Congress, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
- 張紫薇(2015,7) :香港當前日語借詞初探,第六屆漢字與漢字教育國際研討會,中國蘇州。
- Cheung, T.M. Paisley (2013, December), 全港性系統評估寫作分析, The International Education Development Forum (IEDF), Hiroshima, Japan.
- 張紫薇(2007, 3) ) :香港教師評估教育,泛珠三角區域教師教育聯盟第三次研討會,澳門大學。
- Cheung, T.M. Paisley (2006,2), Being Invited as guest speaker and presented paper of促進學習的評估—提升中國語文科的新課程的學與教,中文科研討會—語文新課程的教與學,The Education Faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 張紫薇(2005,12) :香港小學中文網上資源,第四屆兩岸四地小學中國語文觀摩交流會,台北。
Research Projects
Project Start Year : 2020 Chief Investigator: Dr CHEUNG, Tsz Mei
Project Start Year : 2019 Chief Investigator(s) : LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 (Dr CHEUNG, Tsz Mei as Co-Investigator)
賽馬會與「文」同樂學習計劃: 探討「初小學童結合『實體教材』與『多媒體教材』學習中國語文,並由此帶動認識中華文化和培養品德情意」學習模式的發展歷程,其可行性和成效
本計畫研究為期三年,配合香港中文教育理念的變化和學習模式轉化的關鍵時期,探討初小學童學習中國語文、中國文化、品德情意的各種表現。計畫將充份利用試點學校實踐本計畫成果所提供的經驗和各種數據,以及多媒體系統所內置的進度紀錄功能──這些實體和虛擬的材料為是項研究提供了非常豐富的「大數據」,使參與計畫的學者能有堅實的基礎,作出宏觀科學分析,從而瞭解初小學童結合「實體」和「多媒體」教材學習中國語文,並由此帶動認識中華文化和培養品德意的發展歷程,及最終所能達到的效益。有了針對此課題的學理分析後,期能以工作坊 . . .
Project Start Year : 2017 Chief Investigator(s) : CHEUNG, Yan Leung Stephen 張仁良 (Dr CHEUNG, Tsz Mei as Co-Investigator)
Currently, I am teaching the following undergraduate and postgraduate courses:
- Chinese Language Pedagogy
- Chinese Language teaching for NCS
- Various Types of Texts
- Field Experience
- Drama in Language Education