Projects per year
Personal profile
Personal profile
Dr. Lorinda Kwan-Chen is a dedicated researcher, experienced clinical educator, and established practitioner of speech-language pathology. She has a PhD in speech disorders in Parkinson’s disease from the University of Hong Kong. Her research areas are wide across different neuropathologies which impact human speech and language functions. Dr. Kwan-Chen supports the working philosophy of team-based, trans-professional research collaborations; she is heavily connected with international and local researchers and medical doctors. The major areas of Dr. Kwan-Chen’s research are on speech and language disorders in neurological disease populations such as rare dementia of primary progressive aphasia, post-stroke aphasia, dysarthria, and apraxia of speech in multilingual Chinese populations.
Dr. Kwan-Chen has practiced speech therapy for 30 years. She taught in different universities, instituting and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of speech-language pathology, and trained more than 1000 speech therapists. She also contributes extensively to local professional and patient communities, consulting numerous government and non-government, local, and overseas organizations for the betterment of the profession.
In her endeavour to improve speech therapy service, Dr. Kwan-Chen has pioneered regional community-based speech and language rehabilitation services, and also innovated the first regular telehealth speech therapy for people with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke in 2016.
Research interests
1) Speech, Language and Communication Disorders Associated with Parkinson's Disease or Stroke, or Fronto-temporal Dementias.
Parkinson's Disease - Dysarthria, Language disorders, and dysphagia related to Parkinson's disease.
Motor Speech disorders (Dysarthria and Apraxia of Speech) in tonal language ( Cantonese and Mandarin, Putonghua) speakers. Prosody and its clinical application to assessment and intervention
Primary Progressive Aphasia - Clinical assessment and intervention for Cantonese /Mandarin/ bilingual speakers with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)
Aphasia- agrammatism in Cantonese PWA, support to caretakers of PWA.
2) Service Delivery Model of Speech therapy
Hybrid model of telehealth speech therapy
Community-based rehabilitation service for brain injured people
3) Clinical Education of Speech-Language Therapists/Pathologist
Padegogy for pre-qualification training of speech therapists at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and of multi-cultural, multi-linguistic backgrounds
Competence in telepractice in speech therapy
E-learning strategies for pre-qualification training of speech therapists.
Teaching Interests
Teaching Interests and Knowledge Transfer
Teaching Interests
- SED 6015 Speech, Language and Communication Disorders
- SED 6019 Assessment and Intervention of Speech, Language, Communication and Learning Disabilities
- SED 6026, SED 6027, SED 6028, SED 6029 Practicum and Advanced Practicum ( Clinical Education of pre-qualified speech-language therapists) on
- Speech, language, Communication Disorders, and Swallowing Disorders in people with Parkinson's Disease, Stroke ( Cerebral-vascular Accidents), Dementia, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and orther neurological conditions.
- Tele-health and face-to-face speech therapy intervention strategies.
- SED 6030 Evidence-based Practice in Speech-Language Pathology and Research Methodoloy
- SED 6032 Independent Research Projects / Evidence-based Capstone Projects
- EPC 2091/5091 Overivew of Language, Physical and Sensory Difficulties
- EPC 4098 Education Projects
Knowledge Transfer
- 疫中存希望----網上言語治療2020 11月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】55期
- 自我評估說話能力,儘早開始言語治療. 2020 4月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】54期
- 深腦刺激法會造成言語障礙嗎? 2020。1月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】53期
- 你有語意問題嗎?快查找病徵。 2019,11月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】52期
- 言語障礙多面睇,不同階段,不同症狀2019.8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】51期
- 言語治療 助你講得好,吞得到 2019.1月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】49期
- 非典型的柏金遜病症,非典型的言語吞嚥障礙? 2018.11月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】48期
- 【柏金遜病症吞嚥障礙】冷知識2018.8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】47期
- 突破地點限制 網上言語治療送到你家。44, 2017 12 月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】44期
- 聽聲音就能診斷柏金遜症?2017 8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】43期
- 嘈雜環境有助練大聲?2017 5月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】42期
- 為什麼柏金遜病者會口吃?2017.3月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】41期
- 什麼是低運動型構音障礙? 2016.12月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊 10週年特刊【柏友新知】40期
- 言語治療新科技 2016. 8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】39期
- 網上遙距言語治療免去舟車勞頓 2016. 5月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】38期
- 減低吞嚥障礙有良方 2016 2月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】37期
- 深腦刺激法會影響言語功能嗎?2015 7月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】35期
- 言語障礙是柏金遜症早期的病徵嗎?2015 4月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】34期
External Appointments
Members of:
- The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists ( Member of Register of Speech Therapists)
- The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapist (Full member)
Local Honorary Appointment:
- The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists, Committee member (Registration Committee, HKIST (2018 -)
- Honoary Speech Therapist, 2019-2020 Hospital Authority (New Territories East Cluster) (2019-2020
Overseas Honorary Appointment:
- Collaborator, ALBA Language Neurobiology Lab, Memory and Aging Centre, UCSF (2018-)
Membership/Affiliation to local and international professional organizations
- American Speech language Hearing Association
- Royal College of Speech Language Therapist
- Hong Kong Movement Disorder Society
Consultant/Advisor to:
- The Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation 香港柏金遜症基金會
- The Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Association 香港柏金遜症會
- The Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation 香港復康會
- The Heep Hong Society (APEC) 協康會
- Po Leung Kuk 保良局
- The Benji's Centre 庭恩兒童中心
- HOPE worldwide 寰宇希望
Professional information
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Chinese Language Assessment in Primary Progressive Aphasia - Cantonese (CLAP-C)
01/07/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Research project
Common Core Set for Primary Progressive Aphasia (COSPPA)
01/01/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research project
Establishing Evidence-based Treatment for Speech and Language in Primary Progressive Aphasia
KWAN-CHEN, L. Y. L. (CoI), HENRY,, M. (CoPI) & GRASSO,, S. (PI)
12/02/19 → 31/08/20
Project: Research project
Development of Speech and Language Battery for Chinese speaking individuals with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)
KWAN-CHEN, L. Y. L. (CoI), MOK,, V. (CoI), WONG,, A. (CoI), TEE,, B. L. (PI), Gorno-Tempini,, M. L. (CoI), Deleon,, J. (CoI), MILLER,, B. (CoI), DRONKERS,, N. (CoI), MY, T. J. (CoI), YAN,, Y. C. (CoI) & CHAN,, L. A. (CoI)
01/06/17 → 30/11/24
Project: Research project
An international core outcome set for primary progressive aphasia (COS-PPA): Consensus-based recommendations for communication interventions across research and clinical settings
Volkmer, A., Alves, E. V., Bar-Zeev, H., Barbieri, E., Battista, P., Beales, A., Beber, B. C., Brotherhood, E., Cadorio, I. R., Carthery-Goulart, M. T., Cartwright, J., Crutch, S., Croot, K., Freitas, M. I. D., Gallée, J., Grasso, S. M., Haley, K., Hendriksen, H., Henderson, S. & Jiskoot, L. & 46 others, , Nov 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Alzheimer's & Dementia.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
Open Access -
More than a piece of cake: Noun classifier processing in primary progressive aphasia
TEE, B. L., KWAN-CHEN, L. Y. L., CHEN, T.-F., Yan, C. T. Y., TSOH, J., CHAN, A.L.-T., WONG, A., LO, R. Y., LU, C. J., SUN, Y., WANG, P.-N., LEE, Y. C., CHIU, M. J., ALLEN, I. E., BATTISTELLA, G., BAK, T. H., CHUANG, Y. C., GARCÍA, A. M. & GORNO-TEMPINI, M. L., Apr 2024, In: Alzheimer's and Dementia. 20, 4, p. 2325-2363Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
Open Access1 Citation (Scopus) -
Noun-classifier as a semantic cue for lexical retrieval therapy for svPPA patients: Treatment evidence supported by a single-case, multiple baseline analysis
KWAN-CHEN, L. Y. L., Jul 2024.Research output: Contribution to conference › Papers
Dyslexia phenotypes in Chinese-speaking individuals with primary progressive aphasia
TEE, B. L., GORNO-TEMPINI, M. L., KWAN-CHEN, L. Y. L., LO, R. Y., CHEN, T.-F., TSOH, J., YAN, C. T. Y., CHAN, A. L. T. & LU, C. J., Dec 2023, In: Alzheimer's & Dementia. 19, e078360.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
Effectiveness of aphasia-friendly scripts in script intervention for Cantonese speakers with post-stroke aphasia
LAM, C. Y. & KWAN-CHEN, L. Y. L., Oct 2023.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster