Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1980 …2025

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Professor Kerry Kennedy is currently a Chair Professor and Advisor (Academic Development) and member of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Curriculum Studies at the University of Johannesburg. Previously he was Chair Professor of Curriculum Studies, Director of the Centre for Governance and Citizenship, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development and Associate Vice-Presdient (Quality Assurance) at the then Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Prior to comming to Hong Kong in 2001, he was Assistant Director of the Australian Government's Curriculum Development Centre, Dean of the Faculty of Education at the Univeristy of Southern Queensland, Director of the Centre for Continuing Education at The Australian National Univeristy and Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Canberra where he was also Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

He did his undergraduate studies and initial professional education at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. He has Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education degrees from the University of New South Wales and a Master of Letters degree in Australian History from the University of New England. He completed an MA and PhD at Stanford University. His research interests are in curriculum policy and theory with a special interest in civic and citizenship education.

He has won research grants from the Australian Research Council, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council and the Hong Kong SAR Government's Central Policy Unit. He is curently a co-investigator ina most recent research project funded by the Hong Kong SAR Government,s Policy and Innovation Coordiantion Office (PICO), Ethnic Minorities and Hong Kong's Current Protests: Non-Chinese "Hongkonger" Communities and their Values. He has recently completed projects for PICO concerned with assylum seekers in Hong Kong and Hong Kong's youth radicalism.He published Changing Schools for Changing Times - New Directions for the School Curriculum in Hong Kong (Chinese University Press, 2005) now translated into Chinese (解讀香港教育:香港學校課程的新趨勢 - Chinese University Press, 2011). He co-authored (with Professor John Chi Kin Lee) Changing Schools in Asia: Schools for the Knowledge Society (Routledge, 2010). He co-edited (with Dr Gregory Fairbrother and Dr Zhao Zhenzhou) Chinese Citizenship Education: Preparing Citizens for the "Chinese Century" (Routledge, 2014). His co-authored book with Laurie Brady, Curriculum Construction, is now in its 6th Edition (Pearson Education, 2018) He co-edited (with Professor Andeas Brunold), Regional Contexts for Citizenship Education in Asia and Europe (Routledge,2015). In 2016, he co-authored with Dr Miron Bhowmik, Out-of-School Ethnic Minority Young People in Hong Kong, for Springer. He co-edited with Professor John Lee Theorizing Teaching and Learning in Asia and Europe-A Conversation between Chinese Curriculum and European Didactics (Routledge, 2017). He worked with Professors Beata Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz and Anna Zalewska editing Young People and Active Citizenship in Post-Soviet Times: A Challenge for Citizenship Education, published in 2018. He is the Co-Editor (with Professor John Chi Kin Lee) of the Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia that was launched at the International Conference of the Korean Association for Multicultural Education in Seoul, Korea in May 2018. In 2019 he published Civic and Citizenship Education in Volatile Times: Preparing Young People for Citizenship in the 21st Century, published by Springer in 2019 [This publication was given the Book Award for 2019 by the Children's Identity and Citizenship Education European Associations (CiCea)]. In 2020 his coedited book with Professor Javier Calvo de Mora, Schools and Informal Learning in a Knowledge-Based World was published by Routledge. His edited book, Social Studies in East Asian Contexts was published by Routledge in 2021 along with Religious Education in Asia: Diversity in Globalized Times, coedited with Professor John Lee (published in the Routledge Series on Life and Values Education). He also published Social Studies Education in South and South East Asian Contexts in 2021. He has recently published Civic Engagement in Changing Contexts - Challenges and Possibilities for Democracy for Springer and co-edited with Professor Beata Krzywosz- Rynkiewicz, Reconstructing Democracy and Citizenship Education - Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe for Routledge. In 2023 he co-edited with Dr Margarita Pavlova and Professor John Chi-Kin Lee, Soft Skills and Hard Values - Meeting Education's 21st Century Challenges for Routledge. His most recent publication, co-edited with Professor John Chi-Kin Lee, is the Routledge International Handbook for Life and Values Education in Asia that was released in June 2024. He is currently working on a new book for Springer, Disruptions and Civic Education - How Should Young People be Prepared for an Uncertain Future?, due for release in 2025.

He is the Series Editor of the Routledge Series on Schools and Schooling in Asia, the Asia-Europe Education Dialogue Series, the Perspectives on Education in Africa Series and the SpringerBriefs Series on Civic and Citizenship Education in the 21st Century. He is the Co- Editor of the Springer Series on Governance and Citizenship in Asia and the Routledge Series on Life and Values Education. Heis currently Editor-in-Chief of Springer's Discover Education, former Editor of Curriculum Perspectives, the journal of the Australian Curriculum Studies Association, and former Associate Editorof Educational Studies. In 2012 he was the Co-Winner of the Richard M. Wolf Memorial Award for educational research presented by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. He was the recipient of the Children's Identity and Citizenship Education European Associations' (CiCea) Outstanding Achievement Award for 2018. He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators and a Life Member of the Australian Curriculum Studies Association. He is listed in the Top 2% of cited researchers in the world for 2023 and 2024.

Research interests

Civic & Citizenship Education / Curriculum Policy & Theory

External Appointments

Honourary Professor, South China Normal University.

Honourary Professor, Management and Science University, Malaysia.

Auditor, Quality Audit Council, Hong Kong (2012).

Ad Hoc Panel Member, Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation and Vocational Qualifications (2012-current).

Director, HKIEd Schools Limited (2012-2013).

Series Editor, Routledge Series on Schools and Schooling in Asia

Series Editor, Asia-Europe Education Dialogue Series, Routledge

Series Editor, Hong Kong Teacher Education Series, Hong Kong Univeristy Press

Series Co-Editor, Springer Series on Governance and Citizenship in Asia

Editor, Curriculum Perspectives, 2012-2017

Co-Editor, Educational Studies, 2015-2018

Advisory Board Member, European Centre for Research on Identity and Citizenship, 2012-current.

Member, Domain Technical Review Panel (Global Citizenship) of the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Project, 2015.

Consultant, South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization's South East Asia Basic Education Standards Project, 2015.

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Curriculum Studies, University of Johannesberg, 2016-current

Professional information

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities


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