6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of LEE Hoi Man 李凱雯 with the persons below:
LI Wai Chin 李偉展
- Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) - Associate Dean (Quality Assurance & Enhancement)
- Department of Science and Environmental Studies (SES) - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
MAK Wing Wah, Pauline 麥詠華
- Department of English Language Education (ELE) - Associate Head / Assistant Professor
TSANG Yiu Fai 曾耀輝
- Graduate School (GS) - Assistant Dean
- Department of Science and Environmental Studies (SES) - Associate Professor
Person: Other
YEUNG Chi Ho 楊志豪
- Department of Science and Environmental Studies (SES) - Professor
- Student Affairs Office (SAO) - Dean of Students