Projects per year
Personal profile
Personal profile
Dr Chim Ho Yeung, Hastings 詹浩洋博士
EdD (University of Bristol, UK)
Registered Secondary/Primary School Teacher
Dr Hastings Chim has been a registered primary and secondary school teacher as well as a lecturer in previously Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and currently the Education University of Hong Kong for more than twenty years. His serving schools have been diverse in which he once served as an English teacher in a primary school, the English panel head in a secondary school populated with 80-90% of students with SEN and also a high banding secondary school. Dr Hastings Chim is now majorly involved in frontline teacher education in catering learning diversity and various faculty and departmental funded projects. He received his Doctor of Education in University of Bristol with his research interest in Inclusive Teacher Education, Specific Learning Difficulties and Inclusive Education. Dr Hastings Chim is at present a teacher educator and an active researcher.
Recent and Ongoing Research Projects
- EDB Funded Project (Principal Investigator) : Provision of Services for Seminars on "Establishing School-based Mechanisms to Manage the Quality and Effectiveness of Tier-2 Support Measures for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs)
- Jockey Club Donation Project (Principal Investigator) : Second Phase of the Jockey Club Diversity at Schools Project (15.71 millions)
- SEC Department Teaching Development Seed Fund (TDSF) (Principal investigator): Developing A Step-by-Step On-line Guidebook to Implement Capstone Projects in EDUHK with Videos and Reference Materials
- SEC Department Fund (Principal investigator): Developing a web-based forum to assist in/pre-service teachers with inclusive teaching packages and video cases
- SEC Department Teaching Development Seed Fund (TDSF) (Principal investigator): A multi-faceted inclusive teaching packages with lesson plans, teaching material and differentiated exercises across various subjects
- FEHD Faculty Leaders of Learning Cluster Grants (LLCG) (Project Leader): Serving students with SEN using teaching/service package approach
- FEHD Faculty Teaching Development Grant(TDG) (Principal Investigator): Fostering discussion and collaborative inquiry through establishment of a case video library
- SEC Department Research Seed Fund (RSF) (Principal Investigator): Developing and validating a Chinese version of Teacher Evaluation Form (C-TEF) for an in-service special education training program
Knowledge Transfer Activities
- Workshop, “How Differentiated Curriculum and Assessments cater for school-based diversities”, Ma On Shan Methodist Primary School
- Workshop, “How Executive Function Coaching caters the needs of students with ASD /ADHD”, HKTA Wun Tsuen Ng Lai Wo Memorial School
- Workshop, “How to design the curriculum to cater for learning diversity for ASD/ADHD students”, Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division
- Workshop, “Differentiated Curriculum and Assessment for the school-based support” Chong Gene Hang College
- Workshop, “Establishing School -based Mechanism to Manage the Quality and Effectiveness of Tier -2 Support Measures”, Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science and Creativity
- Workshop, “How questioning skills can assist catering for learning diversity”, Ma On Shan St Joseph's Primary School
- Workshop, “How Differentiated Curriculum and Assessments cater for school-based diversities”, Carmel Alison Lam Primary School
- Workshop, “How to design the curriculum to cater for learning diversity for ASD/ADHD students”, PLK Lo Kit Sing (1983) College
- Workshop, “How Executive Function Coaching caters the needs of students with ASD /ADHD”, TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School
- Workshop, “The assessment and implementation of Multimedia in Leaning and Teaching in Inclusive Classroom”, Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science and Creativity
- Workshop, “How Executive Function could assist ASD and ADHD students demonstrate behavior management”, The CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School
- Workshop, “How E-Learning apps and softwares could be utilized in supporting students with SEN”, TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School
- Workshop, “How E-learning elements can be incorporated in Tier 1 and 2 support measures and related to curriculum differentiation”, Q.E.S. Old Student's Association Primary School
- Workshop, “Curriculum differentiation for SpLD students based on Tier 1 Support" ,Sha Tin Dr Catherine F. Woo Memorial School
- Workshop, “How to modify school-based support in four Key Learning Areas (KLAs)” ,Fanling Government Secondary School
- Workshop, “How to tailor make schemes of work and teaching materials for students with SEN”, Alliance Primary School (Sheung Shui)
- Workshop, “Tier 1 and 2 support measures and curriculum differentiation”, Q.E.S. Old Student's Association Primary School
- Workshop, “Helping SEN students in mainstream class with school-based adaptations in curriculum”, Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science and Creativity
- Workshop, “How to design the curriculum to cater for learning diversity in Tier 1 and 2 level”, YL. Long Ping Estate Wing Chow School
- Workshop, “Teaching dyslexic students with effective school based adaptations in curriculum”, Buddhist Lam Bing Yim Memorial School
- Workshop, “School based curriculum support in catering for learning diversity”, The ELCHK Faith Lutheran School
- Workshop, “How to modify school-based support in four Key Learning Areas (KLAs)”, Kau Yan College
- Workshop, ““How to adopt Executive Function coaching to assist students effective self-control and learning”, Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui)
- Workshop, “Differentiated curriculum in catering for learning diversity”, The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School
- Workshop, “Differentiation of school-based English curriculum”, Kowloon City Baptist Church Hay Nien (Yan Ping) Primary School
- Workshop, “How to differentiate curriculum for NCS student”, Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School
- Workshop, “Tier 1 and 2 support measures and curriculum differentiation”, ELCHK Faith Love Lutheran School”
- Workshop, “How to monitor the school-based curriculum differentiation”, Alliance Primary School (Sheung Shui)
- Workshop, “How to tailor make schemes of work and teaching materials for students with SEN”, CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School
- Workshop, “How to design the curriculum to cater for learning diversity in Tier 1 and 2 level”, Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui)
- Workshop, “Curriculum differentiation for core subjects in primary schools”, SKH Tak Tin Lee Shiu Keung Primary School
- Workshop, “E-learning for dyslexic students in English classrooms”, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
- Workshop, “Tier 1 and 2 support for teaching English Subject”, Lingnan University Alumni Association (Hong Kong) Primary School
- Workshop, “How e-learning can be adopted in Tier 1 and 2 setting”, C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School (Cheung Sha Wan)
- Workshop, “Review on school-based inclusive practices in learning and teaching”, Lok Sin Tong Leung Wong Wai Fong Memorial School
- Workshop, “Workshops for inclusive strategies and executive functions”, Sha Tin Wai Dr. Catherine F. Woo Memorial School
- Keynote Speaker, “Keynote speaker, Joint Secondary Schools Teachers Development Day”, Kowloon Technical School
- Workshop, “Instructional strategies for catering for learning diversity”, TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College
- Workshop, “Differentiated assessment and assignments to cater for learning diversity in the classroom”, Fuk Tak Education Society Primary School
- Workshop, “Teaching Chinese students with specific learning disabilities the letter names and letter sounds in a Hong Kong secondary school”, Christian Alliances S.Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School
- Workshop, “How to utilize e-learning to cater the needs for SpLD students”, Yaumati Catholic Primary School
- Workshop, “How to adopt Executive Function coaching to assist students effective self-control and learning (I)”, TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
- Seminar, “How to design and utilize multi-sensory teaching strategies to enhance the effectiveness of learning strategies”, S.K.H. St. John’s Primary School
- Workshop, “How to adopt Executive Function coaching to assist students effective self-control and learning (II)”, TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
- Seminar, “To strengthen students’ motivation and ability in learning English through the teaching of different subjects”, Yan Chai Hospital No.2 Secondary School
- Workshop, “Designing IEP for AD/HD students”, Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch)
- Seminar, “Strategies for teaching diverse students in the classroom”, Fung Kai Innovative School
- Learning and Teaching Expo, 2022, What are the Roles of SENST in an Inclusive Setting?, 9-12-2022
- BASE FYP Conference, Action Research and Capstone Project, 14-10-2022
- SPFEO Conference, Administrative and Management Skills and Tasks at School, 17-2-2022
- FEHD Conference, Glimpses and insights of supervising CP students based on Generic Research Methods (Capacity building for CP), 3-11-2021
- BAT Conference, Developing Thematic Course on Supporting Students with SEN – Cognition and Learning Needs Focusing on students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Facilitating English Language Learning), 16-9-2021
- FEHD Conference, FE Sharing session: How can we survive as FE supervisors to assess inclusive lessons and provide our students feedback?, 1-2-2021
- BASE Conference, Administration Support for Children with SEN: One Page Profile & Transitions Assistance, 18-1-2021
- CSENIE & SESHK Conference, SENCo Seminar: What is next step for SENCO development? , 5-12-2020
- SENCO Conference, Professional Sharing for SENCOs in Curriculum Differentiation in Catering For Learning Diversity, 27-7-2020
- FEHD Conference, A Journey to the Supervision of Capstone Project, 22-6-2020
- C&I departmental sharing, Sharing of supervision of Capstone Project, 6/12/2019
- BAT Conference, The overall review of the Practicum Experiences for Thematic A English Course, 6/9/2019
- FEHD Faculty Leaders of Learning Conference, Capacity building activity for Serving students with SEN using teaching/service package approach (2),11/10/2018
- BAT Conference, The overall review of the Practicum for Thematic A English Course for SpLD students and the new reflection log for the lesson observation, 8/9/2018
- Hong Kong Productivity Council, Knowledge Transfer Seminar and Information Talks for MA(EC) and MScESLPLD, 16/6/2018
- SEC In-house Learning and Teaching sharing, Sharing Session on Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and the teaching package, 24/5/2018
- FEHD Faculty Leaders of Learning Conference, Capacity building activity for Empowering the successful faculty capstone projects with effective standardized categorization list, guidelines and evaluation form (1), 28/3/2018
- The Association of Assistant Principals of Government Secondary Schools, Keynote speaker, “Joint Secondary Schools Teachers Development Day”, 19/1/2018
- BAT Conference, Curriculum design for new Advanced Course and English Thematic courses, 22/9/2017
- Conference on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs, Developing and validating a Chinese version of Teacher Evaluation Form (C-TEF) for an in-service special education training program, 11/7/2017
- Conference on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs, Fostering discussion and collaborative inquiry through establishment of a case video library, 11/7/2017
- International conference by The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA), Teaching Chinese students with specific learning disabilities the letter names and letter sounds in a Hong Kong secondary school, 25/2/2017
- BAT Conference, The overall review of the Attachment (Learning and Teaching of Students with Cognition and Learning Needs) and the new construct for the lesson observation, 31/8/2016
- BAT Conference, Empowering try-out teaching in the new Advanced course, 31/8/2015
Internal Service
- SEC FE Coordinator, SEC Departmental & BEd (SN) Field Experience Coordinator
- Coordinator, BAT Advanced Course (CMI)
- Coordinator, BAT Advanced Course (EMI)
- Coordinator, BAT Thematic Course (ENG) for SpLD and ID student
- Representative of BAT in the SEC Departmental Review and Benchmarking Exercise
- Representative of BAT in the Board of Examiner Meeting with Education Bureau
- Representative of SEC in the Board of Examiner Meeting for PVE programme
- Tutor, SENCO’s training course
- Producer, Video clip production for promoting BAT
FEHD Faculty
- Production of short clips to promote inclusion strategies
(i) Multi-media instructional strategies
(ii) Classdojo
(iii)The production of toondoo
- Capstone Project Coordinator
Awards and Honours
- Departmental Award for the achievement of High Student Evaluation of Teaching Scores, Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Special Needs) C3B002
Research interests
- Inclusive education
- Inclusive teachers’ training
- Dyslexia
Teaching Interests
- Whole School Approach in Inclusive Education
- Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
- Instructional strategies for teachers educating students with SEN
External Appointments
2019 onwards- School adviser of Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School
2019 - Invited Reviewer for Cambridge Journal of Education
2020- Invited Reviewer for International Journal of Inclusive Education
2020- Invited Reviewer for Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2024- Invited Reviewer for Teacher and Teacher Education
Professional information
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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Provision of Services for Seminar on "Establishing School-based Mechanisms to Manage the Quality and Effectiveness Tier-2 Support Measures for Special Educational Needs Coordinators Ref. No.: L/M (2) in EDB SES3/3-5 Part 9
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