Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

East and West are blended in Dr. Chi-hin Leung's compositions, revealing both the composer's varied cultural background and his particular interest in timbral and textural explorations. In addition to the Special Prize from the Romanian Inventors Forum, the Silver Medal from the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, the Bronze Medal from the International Trade Fair "Ideas - Inventions - New Products" in Nuremberg, and the EdUHK President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer and Teaching, Research Impact / Knowledge Transfer, he received the Gold Medal and Top 20 Best Invention Award from the International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada. Schott Music (Germany), MOECK (Germany), Donemus (Netherlands), Edition HH (U.K.), PARMA Recordings (U.S.), From the Top Music (U.S.), Oxford University Press (China), and Hong Kong Composers' Guild are among the publishers of Leung's selected compositions and recordings. His works have been featured by ISCM World New Music Days, UNESCO International “Arts for Peace” Festival, International Rostrum of Composers, International Electronic Music Week, World Choir Games, International Handbell Symposium, ISME World Conference on Music Education, Asian Composers League Festival, Asian Recorder Festival, Asian Saxophone Congress, Singapore Saxophone Symposium, Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival Vienna, Taipei Traditional Arts Festival, Musicarama, Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and many.


Leung is the President of the Hong Kong Association for Music Educators (HAME), the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Composers' Guild (HKCG), a Commissioner of the ISME's Music in School and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC) and an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE). At the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Education University of Hong Kong, he is currently serving as an Assistant Professor.

梁智軒博士為香港作曲家,以融合東西方元素於其作品為創作目標。梁氏的樂譜和錄音由Schott Music(德國)、MOECK(德國)、Donemus(荷蘭)、Edition HH(英國)、PARMA Recordings(美國)、From the Top Music(美國)、Oxford University Press(中國)和香港作曲家聯會等知名出版商發行。他的作品在國際音樂節中備受關注,包括國際現代音樂節(ISCM)、聯合國教科文組織「國際和平藝術節」、國際作曲家交流會議(IRC)、國際電子音樂周(EMW)、世界合唱比賽、世界手鈴大會、國際音樂教育協會(ISME)、亞洲作曲家同盟音樂節(ACL)、香港藝術節、亞洲木笛節、亞洲薩克斯風年會、新加坡蕯克斯風國際研討會、維也納青少年音樂節、台北傳統藝術節、音樂新文化及香港學校音樂節等。


作為音樂教育家及創科專家,梁氏獲頒重要國際大獎,包括享有盛譽的加拿大國際發明創新兢賽「二十大最佳發明獎」和金獎、IIIC國際創新發明競賽金獎、香港Techathon+ 2024金獎、日內瓦國際發明展的銀獎、QS-華頓教學創新獎的亞洲銀獎、德國紐倫堡國際創意、發明及新產品展的銅獎、柬埔寨諾頓大學的國際特別獎、羅馬尼亞發明家論壇的特別獎,及香港教育大學校長特設卓越知識轉移獎、教學表現獎等等。



Research interests

  • Contemporary Music Composition
  • Music Composition Pedagogy
  • Creative Musicking
  • Music Technology

Teaching Interests

  • Creative Composing
  • Creative Musicking
  • Creativity in Music
  • Composition Pedagogy
  • Music Education

External Appointments

Professional information


A System for Creating a Grid Notation Music Score
The patent is a system for creating a grid notation music score , which includes a production module for the grid notation music score, an instrumental setup module, a subdividing module and a note printing module.
Date of grant: 22/11/2019

An Apparatus for Opera Performance and Teaching
This is an i-pad application for accompaniment of Cantonese operatic singing
Date of grant: 1/1/2022

Date of grant: 18/7/2023

An Apparatus for Opera Performance and Teaching
This is an i-pad application for accompaniment of Cantonese operatic singing
Date of application: 13/9/2022

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities


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