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Catalysis for the Photochemical Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide from Dioxygen
LEUNG, C. F. (PI), ROBERT,, M. (CoI) & YEUNG, Y. Y. (CoI)
01/01/20 → 30/06/23
Project: Research project
Molecular Catalysis for Electro- and Photochemical CO2 Reductive Functionalization
LEUNG, C. F. (PI), ROBERT,, M. (CoI) & YEUNG, Y. Y. (CoI)
01/01/19 → 30/06/22
Project: Research project
Sustainable Organohydride Cofactor Regeneration on Molecular Transition Metal Catalysts for Enzymatic Biotransformation
LEUNG, C. F. (PI), ROBERT,, M. (CoI) & KO,, C. C. (Collaborator)
01/01/16 → 30/06/19
Project: Research project
Acid-assisted strategy for efficient carbon dioxide reduction on molecular transition-metal catalysts
LEUNG, C. F. (PI), KO,, C. C. (Collaborator), ROBERT,, M. (Collaborator) & YEUNG, Y. Y. (Collaborator)
01/01/15 → 31/12/17
Project: Research project