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Personal profile
Personal profile
Leung Bo-Wah is Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts and Director of the Research Centre for Transmission of Cantonese Opera at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He is President (2022-24) of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) and Chair of the Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research (APSMER), and Editorial Board Member of Arts Education Policy Review. He was invited to serve as Visiting Scholar by the School of Music, University of Washington, USA in 2018.
Professor Leung joined the EdUHK (formerly known as Hong Kong Institute of Education – HKIEd) as a lecturer in 1995 and was promoted to full professor in 2014. He was the Head of Department of Cultural and Creative Arts (2015 - 2021), and Associate Dean (Quality Assurance & Enhancement) of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (2015 – 2017). During his tenure, he has led many creative research projects, focused on the transmission of Cantonese Opera in professional settings and schools, creativity in music teaching and learning, motivation in music composition, and partnership approaches and transformative learning in arts education. His pioneering research on incorporating Cantonese opera into the formal music curriculum in Hong Kong’s primary and secondary schools has won him wide recognition including the prestigious Musical Rights Award from the International Music Council (founded by UNESCO) in 2011 and the Knowledge Transfer Award from HKIEd in 2012. A teaching kit, Teaching Package on Creative Music Making in Schools, and a series of music textbooks for the general use of all schools in Hong Kong were developed as an outcome of this research.
Professor Leung is a prolific writer. He has published numerous research papers in leading journals and books: Psychology of Music, International Journal of Music Education, Research Studies in Music Education, Music Education Research, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, International Journal of Community Music, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Arts Education Policy Review, and the Oxford Handbook of Music Education. His Chinese book, Teaching Creative Music Making: New Trend for the New Century (Excellence Pub., 2005), is Hong Kong’s first publication about creativity in music teaching and learning. A revised version of this book has been published in Beijing tackling the music curriculum reform of mainland China (People’s Music Publisher, 2014). His book Creative Arts in Education and Culture: Perspectives from Greater China (Springer, 2013) analyses the development of creative arts in the transforming regions influencing the globe. His published book entitled Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, Evolution, Challenges (Springer, 2018) comments on global issues of the transmission of traditional music. He has also published a few books on Cantonese opera.
Other than his professional practice with EdUHK, Professor Leung has been appointed as Adjunct Professor at the Northeast Normal University, Guangzhou University, and South China Normal University in China in addition to being a life member of the Chinese Musician Association and the Chinese Ballad Singers Association. He is Convenor of Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee and Vice-Chairperson of Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Cooperation and promotion Council, HKSAR Home Affairs Bureau, Consultant of the Chinese Opera School of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Professional Consultant of Music Office, and a member of Management Committee of Taipo Arts Centre. Professor Leung has served as a Board Member of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) for three terms, co-editor of International Journal of Music Education, Chair of the Music in School and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC) of ISME, co-chair of the Research Commission of ISME, and the founding President of the Hong Kong Association for Music Educators (HAME).
Professor Leung received his BA (Hons) in Music (1987) and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (1991) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, MA (1995) and PhD (2002) in Music Education from the Hong Kong Baptist University and University of New South Wales, Australia respectively.
梁寶華現任香港教育大學(教大)文化與創意藝術學系教授及粵劇承傳研究中心總監、國際音樂教育學會(International Society for Music Education)會長 (2022-24)、亞太音樂教育研究論壇 (Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research) 主席、《藝術教育政策評論》編輯委員。2018年,梁教授獲美國華盛頓大學音樂學院邀請作訪問學者。
梁教授於1995年加入香港教育學院(教大前身)任職講師,2014年晉升為香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系教授,曾任文化與創意藝術學系系主任 (2015 - 2021) 及博文及社會科學學院副院長 (質素保證及提升) (2015 - 2017),主要學術研究包括粵劇在專業及學校領域的承傳、音樂教學的創意、創作動機,協作教學以及變革性學習。任教期間率領不少創新的學術研究,碩果纍纍,備受認可,其中有關粵劇承傳的先鋒研究更促使教育局把粵劇藝術納入中小學的正規音樂課程內容,為粵劇傳承邁出重要的一步,他也因此於2011年獲國際音樂議會頒發《音樂權益獎》及於2012年獲香港教育學院頒發《知識轉移獎》。梁教授在推動粵劇藝術及傳承發展方面不遺餘力,曾多次獲得香港研究資助局的優配研究金和優質教育基金撥款資助其有關粵劇教學傳承的研究,包括「中小學粵劇教學協作計劃」,這些研究都為粵劇藝術傳承奠下基礎。
梁教授勵精研究,著作繁多,並常見於國際知名學術期刊和學術書籍,包括:《Psychology of Music》《International Journal of Music Education》、《Research Studies in Music Education》、《Music Education Research》、《Pedagogy, Culture & Society》、《International Journal of Community Music》、《Arts and Humanities in Higher Education》、《Arts Education Policy Review》及《The Oxford Handbook of Music Education》。梁教授又出版了不少有關藝術教育、文化發展和挑戰的著作,其中《音樂創作教學:新世紀音樂教育新趨勢》(卓思,2005)更是本港首部關於音樂創意教學的書目,北京人民音樂出版社隨後邀請他以內地音樂課程改革為本,出版《音樂創作教學――理念、原則和策略》(人民音樂出版社,2014)。梁教授的其他受歡迎著作計有闡述大中華地區的藝術教育和文化發展的《Creative Arts in Education and Culture: Perspectives from Greater China》(Springer, 2013); 剖析傳統音樂傳承的當代挑戰的《Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, Evolution and Challenges》(Springer, 2018);有關粵劇的著作則有《粵曲梆黃唱腔藝術:方文正作品彙編》 (天地,2019)、《生生不息薪火傳:粵劇生行基礎知識》(天地,2017)及《香港文學大系一九五O――一九六九 • 粵劇卷》(商務,2020)。
梁教授於2020年當選為國際音樂教育學會(International Society for Music Education)候任會長,並將於2022年7月擔任會長,任內計劃進一步普及音樂藝術教育,達至全民同「樂」之境,此前,他曾任國際音樂教育學會三屆理事及學會轄下的學校音樂及教師教育委員會和研究委員會的主席、《國際音樂教育學報》聯席主編,及香港音樂教育家協會創會會長。
梁寶華先後獲香港中文大學文學士(音樂) (1987) 及教育文憑 (1991)、香港浸會大學文學碩士 (1995) 及澳洲新南威爾斯大學哲學博士(音樂教育) (2002) 學位。
Research interests
- Creativity in music
- Music curriculum development
- Motivation in composing music
- Teaching Cantonese opera in classroom
- Transformative learning
Teaching Interests
Creativity in Music
Research Methodology in Music Education
Cantonese Opera
External Appointments
- 3/2022 External Examiner, PhD, University of Otago, New Zealand
- 1/2022 - 12/2023 Vice-chairperson, Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Cooperation and promotion Council, HAB
- 1/2022 - 12/2023 Convenor, Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee, HAB
- 8/2020 - 7/2022 President-elect, International Society for Music Education
- 5/2020 Member, Interview Panel, Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme, EDB
- 1/2020 - 12/2021 Member, Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee, HAB
- 10/2019 External Reviewer, National Institute of Edcation (Singapore) Academic Research Fund 2019
- 9/2019 External Examiner, EdD, University of Bristol, UK
- 2019-22 Member, Management Committee, Tai Po Arts Centre
- 2018-20 Member, Advisory Committee of the Division of Culture and Creativity, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
- 2018 External Examiner, PhD, University of Hong Kong
- 2018 - Member, School Advisory Committee, School of Chinese Opera, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
- 2017-21 Professional Consultant, Music Office, LCSD, Hong Kong
- 2017 - Chair, Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research (APSMER)
- 2016-17 Chairman, Assessment Panel on Arts Education Key Learning Area, Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) (2016/2017)
- 11/2016 Panel Member, Validation Exercise of the BA in Cultural & Creative Industries, Heng Sang Management College, HKCAAVQ
- 4/16 – 8/17 Panel member, Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES), HK Government
- 2016 - 18 External Examiner, Department of Music, Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau
- 2016 External Examiner, PhD Programme, Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University
- 2016 - 18 Co-Chair, Research Commission, International Society for Music Education (ISME)
- 2015-17 External Examiner (Applied Learning Subjects – Performing Arts), HKDSE Examination, Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority
- 2015 - Adjunct Professor, Guangzhou University, China
- 2015 - Adjunct Professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
- 2015–20 Consultant of Arts Education, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
- 2014 - Panel member, Curriculum Development Committee, Secondary Music Curriculum, Education and Youth Bureau, Macau SAR
- 2012-18 Co-Editor, International Journal of Music Education
- 2011 - External Examiner, School of Education and Language, The Open University of HongKong
- 2011-12 Member, Assessment Panel on Arts Education KLA, Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (2011/12)
- 2011 External Reviewer of Humanity Research, University of Macau
- 09/2010 - Consultant, Cantonese Opera Collaborative Teaching Project, TWGHs Lui Yun Choi Memorial College, Hong Kong
- 2010-14 Board Member, International Society for Music Education
- 2010-16 Commissioner & Co-Chair, Research Commission, International Society for Music Education
- 2009-13 Vice President, Hong Kong Association for Music Education
- 2006 - Adjunct Professor, School of Music, Northeast Normal University, China
- 2006-08 Chair, Music in School & Teacher Education Commission, International Society for Music Education
- 2008-12 Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Music Education: Research
- 2006 - Editorial Board Member, Music Education Research International
- 2005 - Editorial Board Member, Complutence Electronic Journal of Music Education Research
- 2005-09 Founding President, Hong Kong Association for Music Educators
- 2004-21 Subject Specialist (Education & Performing Arts), Hong Kong Council for Accreditation & Vocational Qualifications
- 2004-06 Board Member, International Society for Music Education
- 2002 - Founding Co-Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education
Professional information
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 15 Finished
Teaching Cantonese Opera in Schools: In-depth Case Studies in Hong Kong
01/09/22 → 31/08/24
Project: Research project
Teaching Cantonese Opera in Schools: In-depth Case Studies in Hong Kong
01/09/22 → 31/08/24
Project: Research project
Application of Modern Technology in Transmission of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong
02/07/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research project
Application of Modern Technology in Transmission of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong
01/07/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research project
Learning Cantonese Opera and Development of Cultural and Life Education
LEUNG, B. W. (PI), LEE, C. K. J. (CoPI), WONG, W. C. Z. (CoI) & YUEN, T. L. R. (CoI)
01/01/22 → 31/07/23
Project: Research project
Defining music demonstration lessons: A unique performance-based lesson type improving teachers' instructional skills in Chinese mainland education
ZHANG, L. & LEUNG, B. W., Sept 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: British Journal of Music Education.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
1 Citation (Scopus) -
BRITTIN, R. & LEUNG, B. W., 2024, In: International Journal of Music Education. 32, 4, p. 395Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
Music education in a changing political environment: Reflections on the school music curriculum in Hong Kong
LEUNG, B. W., 2024, The Sage handbook of school music education. ARÓSTEGUI, J. L., CHRISTOPHERSEN, C., NICHOLS, J. & MATSUNOBU, K. (eds.). London: Sage, p. 314-325Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapters
Music majors’ self-regulated learning (SRL) of music practice in China: Two case studies based on the SRL microanalysis
ZHANG, C. & LEUNG, B. W., Aug 2024, In: International Journal of Music Education. 42, 3, p. 367-380Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review
4 Citations (Scopus) -
Relationships between perceived parenting styles and the self-regulated music practice of Chinese music majors
ZHANG, C., KWAN, L. Y. J. & LEUNG, B. W., Nov 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Musicae Scientiae.Research output: Contribution to journal › Articles › peer-review